Valuka yantra


Valuka Yantra


Meaning of term “Valuka/Baluka ” is Sand. As Sand is the key component of this apparatus this yantra is named as Valuka Yantra .

In Rasashastra , Kupipakwarasayana preparations are made by this Valuka Yantra, hence it holds very important position among yantras


सरसां गूढ वक्त्राम् मृत् वस्त्राङ्गुल घनावृताम्

शोषिताम् काचकलशीं त्रिषु भागेषु पूरयेत्

भाण्डे वितस्ति गम्भीरे वालुकासु प्रतिष्ठिता

तद्भाण्डं पूरयेत्रिभिरन्याभिरवगुण्ठयेत्

भाण्डवक्त्रम् मणिकया सन्धिम् लिम्पेन्मृदा पचेत्

चुल्ल्याम् तृणस्य चादाहान् मणिकापृष्टवर्त्तिनः

एतद्धि वालुका यन्त्रं  तद्यन्त्रम् लवणाश्रयम्

एवम् लवण निक्षेपात्प्रोक्तं  लवणयन्त्रकं



a)      Narrow necked glass bottle

b)      Valuka (filtered sand)

c)      Bhanda(vessel) of one aratni height

d)     Koshti (specially designed furnace)

e)      Clay

f)       Sharava

g)      Grass (Trina)

Narrow necked glass bottle of sufficient capacity is taken and it is wrapped with mud smeared cloth and dried , wraping must be continued till the thickness of the wrapping reaches approximately one angula thickness.

Raw material to be processed (kajjali etc ) kust be taken in above said glass bottle.

One bhanda (a vessel preferably made of Loha) is taken and sand is filled up to its one third part, then the bottle is place at the center (over the one third filled sand).

After closing the mouth of the glass bottle (to avoid the spillage of sand particles in to the glass bottle )which contains kajjali, sand is filled up to the neck of the glass bottle, cork which was placed earlier on the glass bottle is removed

whole apparatus is carefully placed over a Furnace and the bhanda is closed with a sharava over which one piece of grass is placed. Paka is done with gradual raise of temparature till the grass kept over the sharava burns up.

Later after it cools down to room temperature bottle is carefully taken out of valuka yantra , mud-cloth wrapping is scrapped out and glass is carefully and skillfully cut by using Thermal shock principle to collect the drug.






For the preparation of Kupipakwa rasayana yoga

Eg : Rasasindura

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