
Mrgaśrnga (Antler  of the deer)

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Sanskrit- mrgasriga, enaśriga, mrgavişäna, harinasrnga, mrgavişäna;

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Malayalam        mankombu,

English- Antler of the deer

 Antlers are found on all members of the deer family, Unlike horns, antlers are true bone and are composed primarily of calcium and phosphorus and are deciduous. Deciduous means antlers are dropped or shed and grown anew each and every year. They grow from pedicels located on the frontal bone of the skull. The pedicels which begin growing at a couple months of age in buck fawns provide the base from which the antler will grow. The small hair covered bumps on a six month old male fawn’s head (a button buck) are the pedicels. They are not antlers. Infantile antlers or actual hardened antlers on a buck fawn have not been documented in Virginia but have been reported in other states. Deer grow their first set of antlers when they are approximately one year of age.

Grahya Lakshana

कीटानुपहतं दीर्घं भाराढ्यं सुदृढं तथा।

अनेक श्रुंग संयुक्तं मृगश्रृंग परं मतम् ॥


 this is the horn of the deer or hart. the one which has not been eaten by insects, heavy in weight, branched and strong, should be taken for use. otherwise it should be discarded.27 rasatarangini 12/104.


मृगश्रृंगं समादाय करपत्रेण कर्तयेत् ।

खण्डशः कारयित्या च त्वाराग्नौ दहेततः ॥

सदग्धञ्चाथ विज्ञाया खल्वे सञ्चूर्णयेद्धिषक् ।

रविदुग्धेन सम्पेष्य चक्रिका: कारपेततः ॥

शरावसम्पुटान्तःस्थ पुटेतीग्राग्निना भिषक्

त्रिवारं पुटनादेणविषाणं मृतिमाप्नुयात् । (R. T. 13/05/107)


·         Grahya variety of  'mrga-Smga' is properly cleaned and cut into smaller pieces with a sharp instrument (Knife),

·         pieces are put on fire of red hot charcoal.

·         When properly burnt, the pieces are taken in khalva yantra and finely  powdered in khalwa yantra.

·         This powder is now subjected for bhavana with arka dugdha and prepare 'cakrikās' (pellets) of suitable size and thickness are prepared

·         These chakrikas are dried under sun, enclosed and sealed in Sarava (Sarava samputa)

·         This sampuța is subjected for one 'gajapuța'.

·         When cool on its own, the drug material inside the samputa is assesd for bhasma lakshana and if not attained then again bhavana is done  with arka dugdha to prepare pellets. They are dried and subjected for another 'gajapuța". Like this method is repaeated till we obtain smooth black coloured  bhasma of mrgasrnga.

·         Thus within 3 puțas, mrgaśrnga becomes into bhasma.





मृगशृङ्गसमुद्भूता विभूतिर्गव्यसर्पिषा ।

विनाश्येत् क्षणादेव हृच्छूलमतिदारुणम् ।।

हरिणविषाणसमुत्था भूतिः क्षौद्रेण रक्तिमिता ।

अपहरतीह निकामं हृच्छूलं पा्श्वशूलञ्च  (R T 12/108-109)

this works as a

cardio tonic, anti kapha and expectorant; useful when pain in the heart, pain in the flanks, cough, dyspnoea, coriza etc..

given alongwith cow's ghee, mrgaşriga bhasma relieves even severe pain in the heart instantaneously.

 it is given along with honey in pain in the heart and pain in the flanks.


Dosage  —1-2 ratti- (100 to 200 mg.)


Yoga  Kandarpasundara rasa, Jaharmoharā vațī, Jvarānkuśa rasa, Bālārka rasa, Sarveśvara rasa

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