

Freshwater Mollususcan snails are gastropod mollusks which live in fresh water. There are many different families. They are found throughout the world in various habitats, ranging from ephemeral pools to the largest lakes, and from small seeps and springs to major rivers. The great majority of freshwater gastropods have a shell, with very few exceptions. Some groups of snails that live in freshwater respire using gills, whereas other groups need to reach the surface to breathe air.



            क्षुद्र शंख






Shodhana                    swedana


                                    3 hours

                                    Amla dravya 



Marana                        kumari swarasa bhavana

                                    gaja puta 


Guna karma                 deepana, pachana,udara shoola hara , netra roga hara ,                                                        atisara hara


Dose                            2 ratti

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