


According to vachaspatya

Kahatika is defined as  लेखनसाधनद्रव्यभेदे

Chalk is a variety of limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate derived from the shells of tiny marine animals known as foraminifera and from the calcareous remains of marine algae known as coccoliths. Chalk is usually white or light gray in color. It is extremely porous, permeable, soft and friable.

How Does Chalk Form

When foraminifera, marine algae, or other organisms living on the bottom or in the waters above die, their remains sink to the bottom and accumulate as ooze. If most of the accumulating organic debris consists of calcium carbonate, then chalk will be the type of rock that forms from the ooze. However, if the accumulating organic debris comes from diatoms and radiolarians, the ooze will consist mainly of silica, and the rock type that forms will be diatomite.

Extensive deposits of chalk are found in many parts of the world. They often form in deep water where clastic sediments from streams and beach action do not dominate the sedimentation. They can also form in epeiric seas on continental crust and on the continental shelf during periods of high sea level.

Identifying Chalk

The keys to identifying chalk are its hardness, its fossil content, and its acid reaction. At a glance, diatomite and gypsum rock have a similar appearance. An examination with a hand lens will often reveal the fossil content, separating it from gypsum. Its reaction with dilute (5%) hydrochloric acid will separate it from both gypsum and diatomite.


Accco to Raja Nighantu

खटिनी खटिका चैव खटी धवलमृत्तिका ।
सितधातुः श्वेतधातुः पाण्डुमृत्पाण्डुमृत्तिका ॥ १३.१३०




धवलमृत्तिका ।




Kubjapushpa (Ashtanga Nighantu)


Two Types (Bhavaprakasha)

खटी गौरखटी द्वे च गुणैस्तुल्ये प्रकीर्त्तिते १४९

1.       Khati

2.       Gaura Khati

Ayurveda Prakashakara opines same as that of Ayurveda Prakasha

 खटी गौरखटी चेति द्विधा आद्या मलिन स्मृता ॥ २२ ॥

मृदुपाषाणसदृशी खटी शुभ्राऽधिका गुरुः  

·         Kahti variety is considered as Malina, hence not whitish as that of the second variety, eventhough second varirty (Gaura Khati) is considered as the best one, properties of both remains same.

·         Kahti variety is Soft compred to Gaura variety while Gaura variety heavier than Khati Variety



According to RasaTarangini

खटीचूर्ण शुद्धपात्रे निधाय विमले जले।

प्रक्षालयेद्विधानज्ञो विशुष्यति न संशयः॥ Rasatarangini 11/210.









Shudha JAla


Till it settles down


Till it dries up


Khatikā is powderedand  dissolved in water, then filtered, and kept undisturbed for a while, when it settles down completely, The supernatant water is discarded and the sediment is dried and stored in an airtight container 



·         There is No Marana mentioned for this drug

·         Khatika can be directly used in therapy after shodhanam


properties khatikā is cool in quality, bitter and sweet in taste; useful in oedema, pitta diseases, burning sensation, disorders of blood, wounds, kapha diseases, diseases of the eye, green diarrhoea (that occurs in children), over sweating and over secre tions. 19 rasatarangini 11/211-212. dosage—300 mg to 600 mg.



खटिनी मधुरा तिक्ता शीतला पित्तदाहनुत् ।
व्रणदोषकफास्रघ्नी नेत्ररोगनिकृन्तनी ॥ १३.१३१ raajanighantu

Acco to Bhavaprakasha

खटी दाहास्रजिच्छीता मधुरा विषशोथजित् १४८

लेपादेतद्गुणा प्रोक्ता भक्षिता मृत्तिकासमा


According to Ayurveda Prakasha


खटी दाहास्रनुच्छीता मधुरा विषशोथजित् ॥ २३ ॥

कफी नेत्रयो: पथ्र्या लेखने बालकोचिता ।

तद्वत्पाषाणखटिका व्रणपित्तास्रजिद्धिमा ॥ २४ ॥

लेपादेते गुणा प्रोक्ता भक्षिता मृत्तिकासमा



Rasa- Madhura ,Tikta

Guna – Sheeta

Doshaghnata – Pittahara Kapha,rakta hara

Other Karma – Daha hara ,Vruna Shodhana,Ropana,

Netra Rogahara,Shodha hara


On external application - Daha hara, rakta doshavikara  hara(Pitta dosha),Shotha Hara,VishaHara




According to Rajanighantu


खटिका शिशिरा तिक्ता मधुरा शोथनाशिती।

पित्तप्रशमनी कामं विविधव्रणरोपणी॥

कफदाहास्त्रदोषघ्नी नेत्रामयनिषूदिनी।

हरिद्व्णातिसारघ्नी स्वेदादिस्रावहारिणी ॥

Apart from above opinion of Bhavamishra and Madhavacharya ,Rajanighantukara added on more  indication

स्वेदादिस्रावहारिणी – excessive sweating





·         External application – Quantity sufficient

·         Internal Application – 200 – 400 mg



Mugdha Rasa , Romashatana Churna .



माषोन्मितं खटीचूर्णं भक्षितं शीतवारिणा। प्रवाहिकां च पित्तास्त्रं ग्रहणी च विनाशयेत्॥

खटी शुद्धा मधुरिका तोयेन सितयाऽन्विता। शीलिता विनिहन्त्याशु त्वतीसार सुदारुणम्॥


Ayurveda Prakasha

·         use of Khatika as lepadravya for koopi IN THE CONTEXT OF Gandhaka jarana


काचमृत्तिकयोः कुपी हेम्नोऽयस्तारयोरपि ।
कीलालाय:कृतो लेपः खटिकालवणाधिकः ॥ १७० 

·         Lepana dravya – dwandamelaapan

·         Lepana DRVAYA in Rasakarpoora Nirmana

·         Mentiones Khatika as a type of Gandhaka (Shweta variety )

अथ गन्धकस्वरूपम् ।

चतुर्धा गन्धकः प्रोक्तो रक्तः पीतः सितोऽसितः ।



श्वेतोऽत्र खटिका प्रोक्ता लेपने लोहमारणे । (लेपने व्रणादिलेपने ) 

·         Opines that some acharyas have mentioned it under Uparasa Gana

………….समुद्रफेनः खटिकाद्वयं शम्बूकताक्ष्र्यजौ ।

कासीसं कान्तपाषाणो वराटी शुक्तिहेिङ्गुलाः ।। ५४ ।।

कङ्कुष्ठं शङ्खभूनागौ टङ्कणं च शिलाजतु ।

उक्ता उपरसा एते द्रव्यनिर्णेयकारिभि: ।। ५५ ।। ११ ]

In Sloka NO 138 ,he compares the color of Vanga Bhasma as that of Khati


In Rasaratnakara  Khatika is used in the contect of shodhanam of Tamra

·         Lepa Khatika and Saidhava lavana with Takra/Amla Kannji ove tamra before Nirvapa in Nirgundi swarasa


खटिका लवणं तक्रैर् आरनालैश्च पेषयेत् ॥ १,८.४८ ॥

तेन लिप्त्वा ताम्रपत्रं तप्तं तप्तं निषेचयेत् ।

षड्वारम् अम्लपिष्टेन निर्गुण्ड्यास्तु विशुद्धये ॥ १,८.४९ ॥


Rasendra Chudamani

·         Explains it as an ingredient of Vahni Mrittika (11th chapter )


खटिकापटुकिट्टैश्च महिषीदुग्धमर्दितैः ।
वह्निमृत्स्ना भवेद्घोरवह्नितापसहा खलु ॥ ५.५९ ॥

एतया मृत्स्नया रुद्धो न गन्तुं क्षमते रसः ।


·         Mentions as a type of Sulphur (White variety )

-----श्वेतोऽत्र खटिका प्रोक्तो लेपने लोहमारणे ॥ ११.२ ॥

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