



तैजसद्रव्यद्रावणपात्रे (मुचि) अमरः

According to Amarakosha  ;Vessel in which dravya is melted at high degree of temperature is called as MUSHA


धातुद्रव्यद्रावणार्थमृत्पात्रं इति शब्दरत्नावली ॥

According to Shabda ratnavali – A vessel made of Mrit (clay) intended for dravana (melting of) Dhatu dravya is called as Musha

सुवर्णादीनां द्रवीकरणपात्रम्  (Dhatu pada)

According to Dhatu pada, Vessel utensil used for the draveekarana of dhatu like Swarna is called as Musha

According to Rasatarangini

मुष्णाति दोषान् मूषेयान् सा मूषेति निगद्यते।

A vessel /Utensil used for the removal (Mushnathi = doorikarothi) of Dosha is called as Musha


In Ashtanga Hrudaya

Uttara Sthana

References about            Moosha  KAcha Arma

Andha Moosha – Timirantakahara  are available


मूषा हि क्रौञ्चिका प्रोक्ता कुमुदी करहाटिका


पाचनी वह्निमित्रा च रसवादिभिरीर्यते ॥

मूषा    which removes the blemishes of dhatu

क्रौञ्चिका – shape resembles that of Kraunchika Pakshi

कुमुदी – Shape remebles that of Kumudi Pushpa



पाचनी - द्रव्यपाचनयोगाच्च पाचनी समुदीरिता॥  Utensil used to do pachanam at high temperature

वह्निमित्रा (वह्निर्मित्रं यतश्चास्य वह्निमित्रा ततः स्मृता।)  friend of high degree temperature



According to Rasarnava 4th Patala  

a)      प्रकाशमूषा

b)      अन्धमूषा


·         प्रकाशा चान्धमूषा च मूषा तु द्विविधा स्मृता ॥ ४.३८ ॥


·         प्रकाशमूषा देवेशि शरावाकारसंयुता ।

द्रव्यनिर्वाहणे सा च वादिकैः सुप्रशस्यते ॥ ४.३९ ॥

Prakasha musha are those musha which are in the shape of sharava – used for nirvahana – melting

·         अन्धमूषा तु कर्तव्या गोस्तनाकारसंनिभा ।

पिधानकसमायुक्ता किंचिद् उन्नतमस्तका ॥ ४

Andha musha are those types which are of gostanakara (cows udder shaped ) and also must have a Pidhana(lid) elevated handle


Moosha Nirmana Yogya mrit (Clay ) lakshana

मृत्तिका पाण्डुरस्थूलाऽशर्करा शोणपाण्डुरा।

चिराध्मानसहा सा हि मूषार्थमतिशस्यते ॥

तदभावे च वाल्मीकि कौलाली वा स्मर्यते॥

Clay that has the qualities like

                                                Greyish white color/ reddish white color ,which devoid of big stones,which has good temperature tolerance capacity (Which will not crack open of high temperature ) is best variety for Musha Nirmana

If above said clay id not available then ,Valmika mrittika (Sand from ant hill )of Kaulali Mruttika (clay used to make mud pots and mud utensils), must be selected.



Sadharana musha

या मृत्तिका दग्धतुषैः शणेन शिखित्रकैर्वा हयलद्दिना च।

लोहेन दण्डेन च कुट्टिता सा साधारणा स्यात्खलुमूषिकार्थे

ra ra sa 10/7






Musha Mrit


1 part


Dagdha Tusha

Burnt Husk

1 part




1 part


Shikitra Churna

Charcoal Powder

1 part



Horse Dung

1 part


All the ingredients are taken and finely powdered,  Jute is cut/crushed to very fine fibres possible , by using Ullukhala Yantra all ingredients are pounded by adding water till it turns to semisolid homogenous mass and then its moulded in the shape of vessel, and dried

This dried mould (Apakwa Musha ) is placed in agni for paka and baked till it turns red hot.

After selfcooling, musha (pakwa Musha) is taken and used for the procedure


Vajra musha

मृदस्त्रिभागा शणलद्दिभागौ भागश्च निर्दग्धतुषोपलादेः ।

किट्टार्धभागं परिखण्ड्य वज्रमूषां विदध्यात्खलु सत्त्वपाते

ra ra sa 10/9



S No




Musha Mrit


3 part



Horse Dung

2 part




2 part


Dagdha Thusha

Burnt Husk

1 part







Irom Oxide

½ part


All the ingredients are taken in prescribed proportion and finely powdered,  Jute is cut/crushed to very fine fibres possible , by using Ullukhala Yantra all ingredients are pounded by adding water till it turns to semisolid homogenous mass and then its moulded in the shape of vessel, and dried

This dried mould (Apakwa Musha ) is placed in agni for paka and baked till it turns red hot.

After selfcooling, musha (pakwa Musha) is taken and used for the procedure



Gostani Musha

मूषा या गोस्तनाकारा शिखायुक्तपिधानका।

सत्त्वानां द्रावणे शुद्धौ मूषा सा गोस्तनी भवेत्॥


Musha prepared/moulded in the shape of cows udder, and which also must have a lid with a handle is called as gostani is used for dravana of satwa (for shodhana ).

$$$$$$Gostani $$$                                                                                                



तले या कूर्पराकारा क्रमादुपरिविस्तृता।

स्थूलवृन्ताकवत्स्थूला महामूषेत्यसौ स्मृता॥


Musha which is moulded to the shape where the bottom part resembles to the shape of Koorpura sandhi , (elbow joint) and the upper part gradually widens out ,or resembles Vrintaka at the centre is called as MahaMusha


Yoga Musha

दग्धाङ्गार तुषोपेता मृत्स्ना व्मीकमृत्तिका।

त्ततद्विडसमायुक्ता तत्तद्विडविलेपिता ॥

तया या विहिता मूषा योगमूषेति कथ्यते।

अनया साधित: सूतो जायते गुणवत्तरः ॥


All the ingredients are taken in prescribed proportion and finely powdered,  Jute is cut/crushed to very fine fibres possible , by using Ullukhala Yantra all ingredients are pounded by adding water till it turns to semisolid homogenous mass and then its moulded in the shape of vessel, and dried

This dried mould (Apakwa Musha ) is placed in agni for paka and baked till it turns red hot.

After selfcooling, musha (pakwa Musha) is taken and used for the procedure


Vrintaka Musha


वृन्ताकाकार मूषायां नालं द्वादशकाङ्गुलम्।

धत्तूरपुष्पवच्छोर्चे सुदृढे श्लिष्टपुष्पवत् ॥

अष्टाङ्गुलञ्च सच्छिद्रं सा स्यादृदन्ताकमूषिका।

अनया खर्परादीनां मृदूनां सत्त्वमाहरेत्॥

Musha made like the shape of vrintaka, at the base and top portion resembles the shape of Dhatura Pushpa

Length of naala is 12 angula while the diameter of mouth is of 8 angula



Malla Musha

निर्दिष्टमल्लमूषा या मल्लद्वितयसम्पृटात्।

पर्पट्यादि रसादीनां स्वेदनाय प्रकीर्तिता।


Where two musha of same shape and size are taken and one is filled with the oushadha and another musha of same size is kept over the first musha upside down and sandhibandhana is done properly and subjected to paka

Use – for swedana of PARPATI



Cruicibles are vessels of a very refractory material (such as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat


Porcelain Crucibles

Platinum Crucibles

PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) Crucibles

Stainless Steel Crucibles

Nickel Crucibles

Carbon Steel Crucibles

Zirconium Crucibles

Vitreous Carbon Crucibles

Graphite crucible



Porcelain Crucibles

Economical glazed porcelain crucibles are supplied with lids. They are made from high purity raw material and are designed to withstand sudden temperature changes without cracks or deformation. Features are:


Good chemical and acid resistance

Can be used to up to 1050°C (1922°F)

Low cost

Include glazed lids

Incompatible with  HF and Alkali salts


Platinum Crucibles

Platinum exhibits excellent resistance to chemical reactions and has a high melting point. Platinum is widely used for chemical analysis. These crucibles do not include a lid; lids must be purchased separately. Features are:


Can be used to 1200°C (2192°F)

Maintains strength at higher temperatures

Virtually chemically inert

Resist oxidization in air

High corrosion resistance against acids and melted salts


PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene) Crucibles

PTFE crucibles are molded from pure PTFE, a chemically inert material. Smooth surfaces avoid contamination and are easily cleaned. Features are:


Compatible with cryo temperatures to moderate heating -196 to 280°C (-321 to 536°F)

Chemically inert



Stainless Steel Crucibles

Stainless steel crucibles can be used in cryo applications. They are a formed from a single piece of material and are less fragile than porcelain crucibles when dropped on a hard surface. Highly polished surface. Features are:


Can be used from -180 to 800°C (-292 to 1472°F)

Include lid


Good resistance to concentrated alkali solutions

Resistant to nitric acid, nitrates, potassium permanganate

Medium resistance to dilute sulfuric acid, acetic acid, boric acid, organic acids and low concentrations of sulfates, phosphoric and bromide solutions.


Nickel Crucibles

Nickel crucibles are made from high purity nickel (99.9%) with impurities of Ti and Mg. Made from one piece with highly polished surfaces. Not to be used in assays where the presence of Ni could affect the results. Features are:


Includes lid

Very low oxidization in air

Temperatures up to 600°C (1112°F)

Used for assays with NaOH or Na2O (this would attack porcelain)

Good resistance to alkali and seawater

Excellent resistance to damp chlorine and gaseous hydrochloric acids

Low resistance to organic, hydrochloric, sulfuric and diluted nitric acids


Carbon Steel Crucibles

Carbon steel crucibles are made from a low alloy steel; they are made from one piece. Low cost alternative for special applications.  Highly polished surface. These crucible sometimes exhibit light rust; this can be easily removed with grade 0000 fine steel wool. Features are:


Can be used up to 500°C (932°F)

Includes lid



Zirconium Crucibles

Zirconium crucibles are made from high purity Zirconium. Zirconium is a reactive metal which is corrosion resistant due to the formation of a chemically inert oxide film. Zirconium crucibles can replace Platinum crucibles in many cases. The lids for the Zirconium crucibles are optional and have to be purchased separately. Features are:


Can be used up to 450°C (842°F)

Effective crucible for fusions using sodium carbonate or sodium peroxide

Can replace Platinum in many cases

Cost effective for high throughput compared to steel and porcelain

Resistant to mixtures of alkaline, carbonate hydroxide, peroxide borate, nitrates and some fluorites

Resistant to nitric acid and sulfuric acid below 75%

Vitreous Carbon Crucibles

Vitreous carbon crucibles (or glassy carbon crucibles) are made from an unique advanced material combining glassy and ceramic properties with those of graphite. It is an ideal material for crucibles used at high temperatures. The high purity material is suitable for applications in chemical analysis, semiconductor technology and ultra pure materials technology. Features are:


High temperature resistance in inert gas or vacuum up to 3000°C (5432°F)

Extreme corrosion resistance

No wetting by melts

High resistance to thermal shock

High hardness and strength

Good electrical conductivity

Very high resistance to acid and alkaline melts

Moderate resistance strongly oxidizing hot melts, acids and oxygen gas over 600°C (1112°F


Graphite crucible

Graphite crucible can withstand the high temperature, and has good resistance to chemical erosions and thermal shock. Especially graphite crucible is ideal for the melting of aluminum, copper and other metals.

Making Of Graphite Cruicible


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