


As per the Shabda Kalpa druma

Shanka is defined as     शाम्यति अशुभमस्मादिति 

that is the one which has the capacity to pacify the bad impact


Conchs are mollusks, marine snails that build elaborate shells as a home and a form of protection from predators. There are over 60 species of sea snails, all of which have medium- to large-sized (14 inches) shells. In many species, the shell is elaborate and colorful. All conchs are in the Kingdom: Animalia, the Phylum: Mollusca, and the Class: Gastropoda

Click here to view Video of  Conch

Also explains Shanka as

समुद्रोद्भवजन्तुविशेषः । शाँख इति भाषा

Shell/product obtained from the Marine organism











a)      Dakshinavarta                                                   

b)      Vamavarta                                                                                        {View Video}


Dakshinavarta Shanka (വലംപിരി ശംഖ്)  is considered as Rare and auspicious (costly), Vamavarta(ഇടംപിരി ശംഖ്) is cheaper and common in market. Vamavarta variety is considered as Grahya (best ) for Medicinal use.


Grahya Lakshana

वृत्तः स्निग्धः सूक्ष्ममुखो निर्मलश्चेन्दुसुन्दरः ।

दीर्घकायो गुरुश्चापि शंखः श्रेष्ठ प्रकीर्तितः

Vamavart Shanka which is Circular in shape, snigdha (which is not rough), which has narrow orifice, white like full moon, elongated, heavy is considered as Grahya Variety (Best for Rasakarma)



शङ्खस्तु खण्डशः कृत्वा पॊट्टल्यां स्थाप्यॆत् भिषक्

ढॊलायन्त्र् चतुर्यामं पचेज्जंभीर वारिणा

जयन्त्या स्वरसेनैव शङ्खं ढोलागतं पचेत्

यामैकं पाचनादॆव शुद्धिमायात्यनुत्तमम्

काञ्चिकॆन पचॆत् शंखं दॊलायन्त्रे भिषज्वर

क्षालयॆच्चॊष्ण तॊयेन शंख शुद्धिमवाप्नुयात्

Grahya variety of Shanka is taken and broken in to pieces, then using a clean cloth pottali is made and it (pottali of Shanka) is subjected to Swedana Karma by using Dola Yantra  using Jambira Swarasa/Jayanti Swarasa/ Kanchika for 4 yama/1 yama/1 yama accordingly.


Yantra used


Time duration


Dola Yantra

Jambira Swarasa

4 Yaama


Dola Yantra

Jayanti swarasa

1 Yama


Dola Yantra


1 Yama



शुद्ध शंखस्य खण्डानि शरावे स्थापयॆत् सुधि

शरावॆण पिधायाथ यत्नात्सन्धिं प्रलॆपयॆत्

आतपॆ त्वथ संशोष्य पुटॆत् गज पुटॆ भिषक्

स्वतः शीतं समुद्धृत्य खल्वे सञ्चूर्णयेद्भिषक्

चूर्णितञ्चाथ विज्ञाय सम्पुटस्थं ततः पुटॆत्

एवं पुटद्वयेनैव शंखको मृतिमाप्नुयात्




1                    Pieces of Shudha Shanka is taken and placed in a clean Sharava and is closed with another sharava of same size  (Samputa) ,sandhibandhana is done and dried. After drying it is subjected to Gaja Puta. After completion of Puta(when it cools down)sharava samputa is taken and sandhibandhana is removed carefully and the brittle pieces of shanka is collected

2                    Above obtained Brittle pieces of shanka is taken , powdered well and Bhavana is done with Kumari Swarasa and once it attains Samyak Bhavita Lakshana , small Chakrikas (pellets) are made of same size and dried, After drying Chakrikas are placed in clean Sharava and is closed with another sharava of same size  (Samputa) ,sandhibandhana is done and dried. After drying it is subjected to Puta. After completion of Puta(when it cools down)sharava samputa is taken and sandhibandhana is removed carefully and the product is collected and bhasma pareekshas are assessed. If the Bhasma lakshana are not attained then again it is subjected to Gaja puta again till the product attains Bhasma Pareeksha


As per the classics proper bhasma can be attained after two subsequent Gaja Puta


Type Of Puta

Gaja Puta

Bhavana Dravya

Kumari Swarasa

Number of Puta

Three (including Step 1)



Guna /Properties


शंखः सुशीतल क्षारस्त्वंम्लपित्तनाशनः

                        अग्निमान्द्यहरॊ बल्यॊ ग्राहि ग्रहणिकाहरः

                        परिणामॊत्थ शूलघ्नः तारुण्य पिटकापहः

                        विषदॊषहरॊ  वर्ण्यॊ मात्रा गुञ्ज द्वयोन्मित


सुशीतल – sheeta veerya

क्षार      -Kshareeya (alkaline )

म्लपित्तनाशनः- Amlapittahara (eg GERD disorders)

अग्निमान्द्यहरॊ – its deepana,pachana

बल्यॊ -

ग्राहि – blocks/checks excess flow of fluid from body

ग्रहणिकाहरः  indicated in Grahani roga

परिणामॊत्थ शूलघ्नः – Pacifies various types of shoola

तारुण्य पिटकापहः – indicated in Acne Vulgaris

विषदॊषहरॊ  - Visha hara

वर्ण्यॊ – Varnya



मात्रा गुञ्ज द्वयोन्मित

Gunja = 250 mg


Shanka drava

Shanka Bhasma

Kaphakethu rasa



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