Tula Yantra


Tula Yantra


As the shape resembles to that of Tula ie; weighing balance this yantra is named as Tula Yantra


Reference : Rasendra Chudamani 5/64-66


वृन्ताकाकारभूषे द्वे तयोः कण्ठादधः खलु ।

प्रादेशमात्रां नलिकां मृदालिप्तां सुसन्धिकाम् ॥

तत्रैकस्यां क्षिपेत्सूतमन्यस्यां गन्धचूर्णकम् ।

निरुध्य मूषयोर्वक्त्रं बालुकायन्त्रके क्षिपेत् ।।

अधोऽग्निं ज्वालयेदेतत् तुलायन्त्रमुदाहृतम् ।



 (Video courtesy Dr Sripal H )


Two Vrintaka Musha are taken

A small hole of appropriate size to fit in a tube/pipe is drilled carefully on neck portion of both Musha

A tube/pipe  (Mud) is inserted carefully in such a way that one end fits in one hole (hole made in the neck portion of musha)of one musha while the another end is fitted in hole made in second musha

In one musha Parada is placed and in another gandahaka churna is placed

Mouth of both mushas are closed

Sandhibandhana is done at mouth-lid portion and at the joints where the tube/pipe is fitted

This whole apparatus is placed in Valika Yantra and paka is done for stipulated time period

This Yantra is used for Jarana (Gandhaka Jarana )

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