Sthali Yantra


Sthali yantra:

Reference :                        (R. T. 4/28)


      स्थाल्यां संस्थाप्य लोहादि मल्लेनावृणुयान्मुखम् ।

                                              स्थाल्यधोज्वालयेदग्निं स्थालीयन्त्रमिदं स्मृतम्।।






Here sthali refers to a vessel preferably a mud pot.

Drug to be processed (eg Tamra) is taken in a mud vessel of sufficient size is take and the mouth of the vessel is closed with a Sharava and Agni paka s done from the bottom of lower pot. This yantra is called as sthali Yantra

Here even though there is no mentioning of drava-dravya in sloka, in practice appropriate dravadravya is taken for the process

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