Patala Yantra

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Rasatarangini /4/52

भूमौ हस्तमितं निम्न. विदद्याद् गर्तमुत्तमम्

तस्मिन् पातं निधायाथ तद्रूपं पात्रमन्यकम् ।।

आददीत ततस्तस्मिन्नौषधानि निधापयेत् ।

आस्यमस्य शरावेण छिद्रगर्भेण रोधयेत् ।।

पात्रमेतत्तु गर्तस्थे पात्रे यत्नेन विन्यसेत्

विदध्यादनयोर्यत्नात् सुदृढं सन्धिबन्धनम् ।।

मृदा सम्पूर्य गर्तन्तु वह्निं दद्यात् प्रयोगवित् ।

स्वाङ्गशीतं ततो ज्ञात्वा रसतन्त्रविचक्षणः ।।

उपपरिस्थन्तु वै पात्रं शनैः समवतारयेत् ।

अधःपात्रगतं तैलं गृह्णीयात्तु विधानतः ।।

एतद् बुधैः समाख्यातं यन्त्रं पातालसंज्ञकम् ।

आहर्तुं गन्धकादीनां तैलमेतत्प्रयुज्यते


A pit of one hasta pramana is made on ground in which a vessel (vessel in which the final product is collected) is placed over which , another vessel of similar shape and size (which contains raw drugs to be processed and closed with a sharava with a hole ) is placed. Joints are properly sealed with mud and cloth. And from the top (from the external part of baseof upper pot ) agni is given and pakaa is done for specific time.

After stipulated time of paka upper pot is removed carefully and the Taila collected in the lower vessel is collected carefully.


For extraction of Taila from bhallataka

For extraction of taila from Coconut shell


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