
Samudraphena (cuttlefish-bone)



According to Vachaspathya

समुद्रस्य फेने अमरः “समुद्रफेन


Sanskrit- samudraphena, phena, saphena, phena, abdhi phena, dindira, abdhikapha

This is a marine products, reminiscence of a creature-called as "cuttlefish bone" which is available on the sea-shores. this is an obligate light material covered on one side by bony-sheath, compactly filled with smooth-white material which can be scratched by nails. this material has some fine but rough quality, hence it is used to clean the surfaces of glass and mirrors without leaving scratches on them. since this is found in the sea and looks like froathy mass, it is named as "samudra phena".



According to Ayurveda Prakasha

अशुद्धः स करोल्यङ्गभङ्गं तस्माद्विशोधयेत् ।

समुद्रफेनः संपिष्ठो निम्बुतोयेन शुध्यति ।। 

Ashudha Samudraphena Causes Angabhanga – injuries to the anga ()bescause of its theekshnatha ) Hence it must be purified


Bhavana In Nimbu Swarasa till it attains Samyak Bavita Lakshana



Khalwa yantra

Nimbu Swarasa

Till samyak Bhavitha Lakshana is observed



According to Ayurveda Prakash

समुद्रफेनश्चक्षुष्यो लेखनः शीतलश्च सः ।

कषायो विषपित्तघ्नः कर्णरुक्कफहृल्लघुः”

Bhavapraksasha also opines the same     

dosage and uses 2 rattis (200mg).


 this is given directly after purification.

समुद्रफेनः शिशिरो लेखन पाचन: सरः।

चक्षुष्यो दीपनश्चैव श्रुतिस्रावहरः परम्॥

विषदोषप्रशमनः कषायः कफनाशक: ।

कुष्ठरोगहरोऽत्यर्थं मात्रा रक्तिद्वयोन्मिता॥ rasatarangini 12/113-114.


it is used externally in dusta vraņa (putrified ulcers), pūtikarņa (suppurative otitis) etc.. this has the action of lekhana (curettage/scraping), dīpana (appetiser) and pācana (digesttive).

 samudraphena increases peristalsis of the intestines, good for the eyes, suppurative otitis and also it is used as an anti-dote to poisons, kapha doșa and skin disorder.


References of Samudraphena

In Caraka Samhita

·         Sutrasthana 4th chapter –

Samudraphena is  mentioned as one of drug among Shukrashodhana VArga

·         Chikitsasthana Kushta rogadhyaya

Samudra phena is mentioned as a dravya for Lekhana Karma for Stabdha, Parushya,Supta features


In Sushrutha Samhita

Chikitsasthana  9th Chapter (Kushtachikitsa )

·         Samudra phena is mentioned as a dravya for Lekhana Karma


·         12th chapter (Raktabhishyanda pratishedha)

·         Samudraphena is mentioned in the context of Anjana dravya

·         15th chapter (Chedya Roga Pratishedham)

·         One of the ingredient for choornanjana for Arma,Pidaka,Sirajaala

·         18th chapter of Utharasthana (kriyakalpa)

·         Samudraphena is explained as Lekhana dravya (while explaining  lekhana type of PUta Paka )


In Ashtanga Hrudaya

·         Uttara Sthana

·         13th Chapter

Mentions as Dravya indicated  for Kaphaja Netra Roga

·         16th chapter (Sarvakshi roga Pratirodham)

As an ingredient in Anjana which is indicated for KledaKandughnam – Akshi vikaras


Madhyama Khanda

·         Ingredient for Jwara dhoomakethu rasa

Harita Samhita

In Chathuchatwarimsho adhyaya

·         Karna poorana dravya – in Vatika karna shoola

Sharngadhara Samhita


Samudraphena is mentioned

·         as one of the ingredient in Lekhana Puta Paka

·         Kleda kanduhara aanjana

        lekhana varti

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