Bhudara Yantra


                                                                Bhudara yantra


Reference                      Rasatarangini 4/21


वालुकाचितसर्वाङ्गां कुमुद कुण्डगां पचेत् ।

आच्छाद्य दीप्तैरुपलैर्यन्त्रं भूधरसंज्ञकम्


Drug to be processed is placed inside a Sharava and it is closed with another Sharava and joints are sealed with mud and cloth and this Sharava samputa is placed inside a pit which is filled of sand up to two angla thickness and again sand is filled over it upto the height of pit (up to ground level).

Over this sand upalas are placed and agni is given. Thus paka is continued to a stipulated time

After stipulated time when sand cools down to the room temperature , sand is removed and Sharava samputa is recovered and processed draavya (aushadha) is collected carefully.

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