





General information

About cinnabar



Need for shodhana

Toxicity of cinnabar


Shodhana SOP








General information


According to the classification of Acharya Rasavaghbhata , Hingula is 7th drug mentioned in sadharana rasa

कंपिल्लश्चापरो गौरीपाषाणो नवसादरः ।

कपर्दो वान्हिजारश्च गिरिसिन्दरहिग्डुलौ ।।

मृद्दारशृंगमित्यष्टौ साधारण रसाः स्मृताः ।

रससिद्धिकरा: प्रोक्ता नागार्जुनपुरस्सरैः ।।

( र. र.स. ३ / १२०-१२१)


When we go through the synonyms and other descriptions of Hingula in classical texts , it is evidents that the drug is nothing but the cinnabar of modern era.

About Cinnabar

The terms "cinnabar" and "cinnabarite," which probably come from the Ancient Greek letter kinnabari, describe the typical vivid scarlet to brick-red pigment. Cinnabar form of mercury(II) sulfide, formula HgS, that is the most common source ore for refining elemental mercury.


Cinnabar generally occurs as a vein-filling mineral associated with recent volcanic activity and alkaline hot springs




                      Sulfide mineral


Hgs, Mercury sulphide


Cochineal-red, towards brownish red and lead-gray

Crystal habit

Rhombohedral to tabular

Crystal system







Slightly sectile

Mohs Scale hardness



Adamantine – dull




Transparent in thin Pieces

Specific gravity



Cinnabar [HgS], the principal ore of mercury, it  is the most thermodynamically stable form at low temperature (Barnett et al., 2001; Benoit et al., 1999).




पर्याय -                  हिंगल,    हिंगुल,    हिंगूल,    इंगुल,      म्लेच्छ,

रक्त,        सुरंग,      चित्रांग,  चूर्ण पारद,            रसोद्भव,

रसस्थान,               शुकतुण्ड,                रञ्जन,      कपिशीर्षक,

रक्तकाय,                हंसपाद   लोहघ्न



अस्य गुणाः । मधुरत्वम् ।

तिक्तत्वम् । उष्णत्वम् । वातकफत्रिदोषद्वन्द्वदोष-

ज्वरनाशित्वञ्च । इति राजनिर्घण्टः


The first mention of Hingula is found in Kautilya's Arthashastra. Here there is a mention of the examination of gold and its deformity by Hingul. The main substance of Rasshastra is Hingul, the basic mineral of mercury. Parad was received from abroad, so knowledge and mention of Parad is found in the Samhita period, but Hingul came later in the introduction of Indians.


हिंगुलः शुकतुण्डाख्यो हंसपादस्तथाऽपरः ।

प्रथमोल्पगुणस्तत्र चर्मारः निगद्यते

श्वेतरेखः प्रवालाभो हंसपादः स ईरितः

र.र.स. ३/१३९

Ras Vaghbhata opines that , there are two types of Hingula

a)       Shuka Tundakhya

b)      Hamsapada

Two kinds of "Hingula" are "Sukatunda" and "Hamsapda".

"Sukatunda" is also called as “charmara” and  It has lesser  therapeutic benefits. The later Hamsapada type of "Hingula" has white lines on it and is red like "Pravala" (coral).



 सप्त कृत्वाप्तऽऽर्द्रक द्रावैर्लकुचस्याम्बुनाऽथ वा ।

शोषितो भावयित्वाऽथ निर्दोषो जायते खलु ।।

र.र.स. ३/१४२-१४३

Shodhana of Hingula can be done by doing 7  bhavana with Ardaka swarasa (extracted juice of fresh ginger) or with lakucha swarasa. After 7th bhavana  product is collected from khalwa yantra and dried in shade and stored in airtight container .

why one hast do the shodhana of Hingula?

Ashudha Hngula Sevana Janya Vikara.

According to madhavacharya (Ayurrveda Prakasha)

    'अशुद्धो दरदः कुर्यादान्ध्यं क्षण्यं क्लमं भ्रमम् । 

     मोहं मेहं च संशोध्यस्तस्माद् वैद्यैस्तु हिङ्गुलः'

Toxic effect of Improperly processed Hingula ,if administered , it can develop symptoms like . blindness, tiredness, debility,stupor, loss of consiusness and even diabetes. hence one has to do the shodhana of hingula .

The cinnabar poisoning cases are associated with overdose, long-term uses, and improper processing such as heating, decocting, fumigating, or in combination with other drugs .

For example, heating cinnabar resulted in mercury vapor release, and acute inhalation of mercury fumes can be fatal. Grinding cinnabar using aluminum utensils or in combination of iodide- and bromide-containing drugs could increase mercury toxicity. 

The long-term use of cinnabar-containing traditional medicines could result in renal dysfunction due to accumulation of mercury in the kidney. Blurred vision due to accumulation of mercury in brain is possible, gastrointestinal symptoms also often occur following long-term administration. 

Antidote of cinnabar poisoning

Dimercaprol and succimer are effective chelation therapies for general mercury intoxication including cinnabar


Marana is not done for hingula, shodhita  hingula can be used in therapeutic purposes.



दरदः पातना यंत्री पातीतश्च जलशाये

तत सत्वं सूतसंकाशं जायते नात्र संशयः

र.र.स. ३ / १४४


Hingula is subjected to Patana using adhapatana yantra , and satwa (mercury ) will be collected in water filled in the lower pot.


Heating cinnabar results in release of mercury vapor, which in turn can produce toxicity similar to inhalation of these vapors. The doses of cinnabar required to produce neurotoxicity are 1000 times higher than methyl mercury. Following long-term use of cinnabar, renal dysfunction may occur.


Properties of Hingula

According to rasaratna samuchaya

हिंगुल सर्व दोषघ्नी दीपनो अति रसायन

सर्व रोगहरो वृष्यो जारणायातिशस्यते

एतस्मादाहता सूतो जीर्ण गन्धा समो गुणै

र.र.स. ३ / १४०-१४१


Pharmacological studies of cinnabar suggest sedative and hypnotic effects, but the therapeutic basis of cinnabar is still not clear. In summary, cinnabar is chemically inert with a relatively low toxic potential when taken orally. In risk assessment, cinnabar is less toxic than many other forms of mercury, but the rationale for its inclusion in traditional Chinese medicines remains to be fully justified.

According to rajnighantu

अस्य गुणाः । मधुरत्वम् ।

तिक्तत्वम् । उष्णत्वम् । वातकफत्रिदोषद्वन्द्वदोष-

ज्वरनाशित्वञ्च । इति राजनिर्घण्टः



Rasa       -              Tikta ,Katu,Kashaya

Guna     -              Ushna  

Virya      -              Ushna

Karma   -              Dipana,Rasayana,vrishya,balya,Vajikara,



Effect on dosha – Tridoshaghna,Kaphapittahara

Dose - 0.5 ratti to 1 ratti (62.5 mg - 125 mg )

Pharmacological activities of Cinnabar (research articles)


Sedative effect

Back ground of the study – in Chinese medicines , Cinnabar as as such and Cinnabar containing formulations are being used in indications like anxiety sleeplessness etc.The  sedative effect of cinnabar has been verified in animal experiments, which proved the sedative effect of this drugs in experimental mices.

Anxiolytic Mechanisms –

Wang et al. confirmed the anxiolytic effect of cinnabar on anxiety-like behaviors in mice using the elevated plus maze test; this neuropharmacological effect may have been similar to the sedative and soothing effects of cinnabar. +ve results suggest that cinnabar exerts anxiolytic effects when administered chronically at effective doses and is associated with reduced brain serotonin (5-HT) levels


Antioxidative Stress and Brain Injury Protection Mechanisms.


Oxidative stress plays a key role in neuronal death and underlies neurodegenerative diseases. +us, antioxidants can play important roles in treating several neurodegenerative diseases.

One study confirmed that cinnabar can reduce the disappearance of antioxidant enzymes and the overproduction of ROS through regulation of the 5-HT metabolism pathway. In-ViVo  Study was conducted on zebrafish.




1.       Hinguleshwara Rasa

2.       Tribhuvanakirthirasa

3.       Vettumaran Gulika

4.       Anandabhairava Rasa




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